Database: What is a Synthetic Key?

Well, a synthetic key is really the surrogate key. Primarily, in MySQL which commonly use a "current database" (non-temporal), surrogate key are either primary keys or columns that emphasizes uniquness with its column values but with its functionality that is a system generated like an auto increment key or a procedural generated that is not derived from any application data from a database. Usually, the most significant meaning of a surrogate key is the primary key.  It is also possible that the surrogate key exists in addition to the database-generated UUID (for example, an HR number for each employee other than the UUID of each employee).

Surrogate key is in contract to Natural Key which a natural key is defined customarily by the programmer or by the input, let say, is defined by it's national id number of a person or any number that is inputted from person's data that is not relying on a system generated UUID or a natural key is a user generated data, not system generated.

Surrogate key may differ in meaning when talking about Temporal Database. Please check or read from Wikipedia,

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