What is Disk Contention?

Okay, so let me take a note about this meaning...

Disk contention occurs when multiple processes try to access the same disk simultaneously. Most disks have limits on both the number of accesses (I/O operations each second) and the amount of data they can transfer each second (I/O data rate, or throughput). When these limits are reached, processes must wait to access the disk.

It's a situation occurring when multiple processes try to access the same disk(s) and the requests outrun the response times of the drive(s). This happens because most disks are restricted in the amount of data they can transfer and the number of accesses (I/O operations) they can handle each second. Disk contention became a more prominent problem when CPU speeds dramatically increased over the past 15 years, putting even greater demands on disk-based data storage and causing the modern data centers’ most significant operational constraint.


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